        Being the official language, Hindi plays a vital role in integrating and unifying the different strata of society by inculcating the ideals multiculturalism, diversity, spirit of nationalism and the ideal of ‘Live and Let Live’. Though not a core or complementary course, Hindi is offered as Common Course at the U G level for all Program. At present, the department has one permanent teachers. Hindi is taught as a second language in all the Courses (B.A, B.Sc & B.Com). Hindi is taught as a literature subject in B.A classes. 

        The Hindi department has always attained a 100% academic result every year. Students are given conversation passages to develop their communicative skill. We concentrate on giving stress to correct pronunciation and accent. To make them more accurate, we provide them different activities related to the subject. We encourage them to participate in Hindi elocution, debate competitions outside the campus.

Besides these curricular activities of the Hindi Department, the other activities are :-

  • Celebrating Hindi Divas.
  • Celebrating Chhattisgarhi Divas.
  • Celebrating Tulsi Das jayanti.
  • Celebrating Kabir Das jayanti.