“A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.” 

(Norman Cousins)

The library is said to be the Central point to coordinate teaching and learning for gathering knowledge that makes objectives of a college fulfilled. The college library is the intellectual hub of the institution, serving equally, both the students and teachers.

  • Ø      Students are expected to make the maximum use of the library and reading room facilities provided in the College.

  • Ø   Strict silence should be observed inside the library and reading room.

  • Ø   The identity card is to be produced for entry into the reading room and for the issue of books.

  • Ø   Each student will be issued a borrower’s card against which books may be borrowed from the library.

  • Ø   Books must be carefully examined at the time of issue. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage detected later.

  • Ø   Marking in book, spoiling or causing damage to the binding etc. are punishable.

  • Ø   Books of reference and rare books will not be issued for use outside the library.

  • Ø   The loss of any book must be immediately reported to the librarian and with permission, the book may be replaced by a new volume, failing which, its cost decided by the librarian must be paid.

  • Ø   Sub –lending of books is strictly forbidden.

  • Ø   A number of magazines and periodicals are available in the reading room. These can be borrowed from the library assistant and must be returned after reading. Students are not permitted to take them out of the reading room.

  • Ø   Tearing of pictures or any other way of mutilation of magazines, books etc. is a serious offence. One who does so may be required to pay a fine or be deprived of the privilege of using the reading room.

  • Ø   Umbrellas, handbags and other personal belongings including books must be kept outside, before entering the reading room.

  • Ø   All books issued from the library shall be returned without failure on or before the last working day of the academic year.

  • Ø   A student shall not retain a book for more than 14 days. If the due date is a holiday, the book must be returned on the next working day. If a student fails to return the book on the due date, he/she shall pay a fine for each day the book is kept beyond the period allowed. The book may however, be renewed on the due date. The book must be produced at the library for such renewal.

  • Ø   No dues certificate for T.C. is issued only on returning library borrower tickets.

  • Ø   Keep the library neat and tidy.